Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Fearless Defenders #4 (2013)

Oh, but I don’t to cut her out and ruin the comic.
The Doom Maidens believe that Valkyrie is one of them, but that can’t be true… can it?
Our Heroes:
Hippolyta remains awesome as always.
Our Villains:
You got to admit, Grade-A dirtbags are pretty accurate name to call them.
Our Side Characters:
I can’t tell who she’s crushing on her.  Is it Tyler, is it Dennis, or is it both?
Ow.  The horse should be really given a helmet if it has to smash through a cave ceiling.
Oh!  A Moonstar Commemorative Plate!  I would want one.
The scene went all black all of a sudden…foreshadowing?
Most Memorable Moment:
What the hell are they flying?!
Final Page:
Please be calling She-Hulk… please be calling She-Hulk!
What We Should Take from This Comic:
Valkyrie, Moonstar, and Hippolyta go to fight the Doom Maidens head on while Misty Lee and Annabelle Riggs decide to call in some extra backup for help.
What We Do Take From This Comic:
This girls need to do some team building exercises because they do not work well with one another.
Yay or Nay?

Five Weapons #3 (2013)

Tyler is heading to face down Rick the Stick and beat him. Even if he does beat him, he still has to deal with school staff, who are beginning to get frustrated with him and his refusal to fight or pick a weapon.  Then while all of that is happening, Jade is named Queen of the Annual Spring Festival and is in a tight situation that may involve her having to kiss a real nasty dork from the Archery Club.
Our Hero:
Oh yeah man, you really put your foot in your mouth this time around.
Our Villain:
Well if you wear a monocle, you are so obviously evil or a colonel.
Our Side Characters:
I can’t tell who she’s crushing on her.  Is it Tyler, is it Dennis, or is it both?
Today’s action is brought to you by the intensity one can only get with sticks!
I’m surprised normal is even a part of her vocabulary.
The snake is just as shocked as you girl.
Most Memorable Moment:
Oh my god, its blonde Mandark from Dexter’s Laboratory.  No!
Final Page:
This kid is going to grow up to be Batman.  He’s got a plan for everything apparently.
What We Should Take from This Comic:
In order to win, Tyler is going to have to take took both presidents of the Archery and Exotic Weapons Clubs.  Can he do it and become King of the Annual Spring Festival?
What We Do Take From This Comic:
So did the nurse and the principal end causing each other’s injury in the past?
Yay or Nay?

Avengers #11 (2013)

Cliché and stereotype anime and Japanese garb that makes no sense in the context of this comic.
Several members of the Avengers are heading to a location where A.I.M. is trying to sell the prototype to one of their bioweapons.  They must find the sellers, the weapon, and all the potential buyers to put an end to this.
Our Heroes:
… This comic is making Black Widow seem like a sociopath.  I’m pretty sure that’s not a good thing.
Our Villains:
I still do not get how the hell A.I.M. got their own island to be considered its own nation by the United Nations.  How stupid are people these days?!
Our Side Characters:
I don’t know why I should care about any of them if they have no personality.
Man, these Avengers just straight up murdered some people.  Our heroes are the best!
Standard average dialogue.  Nothing more and nothing less.
Martial artists can bend their spines like that, right?
Most Memorable Moment:
*Reviewer bursts into laughter* Oh dear god, A.I.M.?  Are you guys seriously with ridiculous beekeeper helmet and tuxedo combo?
Final Page:
Avengers… you all suck at your job and as such, you’re all fired except for him.
What We Should Take from This Comic:
So A.I.M. is trying to sell an army of assassins to different groups, but for some unknown reason.  Again, why?
What We Do Take From This Comic:
Dammit Black Widow, how the hell did you become an Avengers with that screw the mission and kill them all attitude?  You suck.
Yay or Nay?

Avengers #10 (2013)

Generic movie poster cover for the win?
The Avengers are called in to check one of the sites where an origin bomb crashed in Canada and see what had fallen a team that was sent there, Omega Flight.  There, they run into some interesting problems.
Our Heroes:
They just stumble around and… something is accomplished?
Our Villain:
Plant life?  I can’t tell.
Our Side Characters:
I don’t know why I should care about any of them if they have no personality.
Bang!  Headshot.
Dude, don’t fly away.  If you leave the group, you’ll probably die!  Remember, black dude always dies first.
It exists and it is there.  So what?
Most Memorable Moment:

Damn it!  Robot dude just got punked by those vines from Troll 3!
Final Page:
Dun dun dunnn…. Aww who gives a crap.
What We Should Take from This Comic:
The Avengers checked a zone out and gaining absolutely nothing but confusion.  Nothing learned and nothing lost.
What We Do Take From This Comic:
Since nothing has been gained or lost, why does this issue exist and what purpose does it hold?
Yay or Nay?

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Detective Comics #20 (2013)

Does Emperor Penguin need to choke a Batman?
Batman heads to fight Emperor Penguin head on, who is lying in wait for him.  Meanwhile, Penguin is free from charges and heads to take back his kingdom.
Our Hero:
Batman needs some more training since he just got his butt whipped by a guy who really shouldn’t be giving him this much trouble
Our Villain:
Even though he lost, he was still happy in the end.  Got to give him the fact that he was pretty humble about losing and all.
Our Side Characters:
Does the Penguin count as a side character in this comic?
Curses, foiled by the power of tree bark.
Batman: You’re a monster.
Me: *Snickers*
Oohh, look at those sparks fly!
Most Memorable Moment:
Batman needs to prepare more before he goes into these situations, otherwise he might end up hanging again.
Final Page:
So where are those purple arm things coming from?
What We Should Take from This Comic:
Ogilvy is finally down and Penguin is back in place.  However, Batman is not going to have any time to rest if that last panel is anything to go by.
What We Do Take From This Comic:
Why am I not surprise that there was a demon looking crime boss at one point?
Yay or Nay?

Batman Li'l Gotham #1 (2013)

Can you recognize everyone on this cover?
Batman and Robin are out on patrol during Halloween and in the second story, we have turkey shenanigans with the Penguin when he crashes the Thanksgiving Day Parade in Gotham.
Our Heroes:
I didn’t know patrol involved dinner breaks.
Our Villains:
You know, I’m sort of wondering why Catwoman is hanging with those baddies at all.
Our Side Characters:
Careful turkey, Katana is wielding tableware.
So Damien can’t tell the difference between kids and adults?  Man, he needs some more training.
Quote of the Week folks: Feel our turkey wrath!
Penguins in orange prison clothing.  Adorable!
Most Memorable Moment:
Ha!  Your turkeys were no match for the power of trumpeting!
Final Page:
Apparently that prison guard wasn’t aware of why Penguin was in prison in the first place.
What We Should Take from This Comic:
When Batman is in the mood, he’ll cover his rouge gallery’s dinner.
What We Do Take From This Comic:
I didn’t think Poison Ivy made Nom Nom noises when she eats.
Yay or Nay?

Sword of Sorcery #8 (2013)

The way Eclipso is holding those two women, shouldn’t those clothes just rip or something?
Eclipso has declared war on the House of Amethyst, ready to destroy Amaya’s aunt and her kingdom.  Even though she is an enemy, Amaya and her friends head to battle Eclipso and his forces.  Will they be able to defeat him though?
Our Hero:
Whoa… she went super badass between issues.
Our Villain:
The man/demon knows how to throw one hell of a punch.
Our Side Characters:
Wait, why are you hugging her?  She tried to send assassins to kill your mom!
Good old fashion sword action and shield bashing!
Still enjoyable to the very end.
It says the same artist drew everything, but yet the coloring feels different on some pages…
Most Memorable Moment:
Banished into the gemstone again!
Final Page:
And now everybody, serious pose!
What We Should Take from This Comic:
Amaya, her family, and friends have all defeated Eclipso and banished him back into his gemstone.  However, it disappears and with the threat of an eclipse where his power will be greater than ever, they need to find it soon.  Still, they won… for now.
What We Do Take From This Comic:
I’ll miss you all!  Please come back soon!
Yay or Nay?

Final Thoughts on the Series?

Was an enjoyable run from beginning to end with engaging and developed character and great world building.  Even had a solid backup with the Beowulf story (less said about Stalker the better).  Totally worth checking out, even if the story isn't completely finished and a few loose ends remain.

Team 7 #8 (2013)

Team 7 may be dead as a doornail now, but hey, Pandora’s Box/Skull lives on.
Majestic has just caused a massive tidal wave in order to wipe out the island nation where the enemy Kaizen is on.  Unfortunately, this is also where Team 7 is currently at.
Our Heroes:
They exist… that’s all.
Our Villain:
Wait... who’s the villain here?
Our Side Characters:
Lots of gunfire and someone got backhanded…
Oh my god, did he just use that cheesy action movie line?
It’s fine.
Most Memorable Moment:
I don’t know why, but why do I feel that tidal wave is watching me?
Final Page:
Well it’s over and now never to be mentioned again outside of reference when talking about Pandora’s Box.
What We Should Take from This Comic:
Team 7’s final mission was a complete disaster and the only thing they have to show for it is Pandora’s Box, which can only lead to even more problems somewhere down the line.
What We Do Take From This Comic:
Nothing says conclusion like a complete and utter rush job.
Yay or Nay?

Final Thoughts on the Series?

It was okay, but never really got off the ground until like issue 5 where it was announced that it was going to be cancelled.  Not really worth the time overall.

Ame-Comi Girls #3 (2013)

Feel that green energy music!
A Green Lantern ring finds its new host while Carol Ferris makes a rather interesting discovery while on a trip to the moon.  Hint: It involves getting the most fanservicy costume yet of the series.
Our Heroes:
Let’s add her to the quite short list of badass blind superheroes.  Also, I want headphones like that.
Our Villain:
I wonder if this Star Sapphire thing counts.
Our Side Characters:
Enough double talk Jimmy, kiss her already!
Power Girl knows how to smash a girl into the ground.
Does the soundtrack of the universe sounds like it was composed by John Williams?
Oh, classic scared anime eyes by that waitress.
Most Memorable Moment:
Whoa!  I know Star Sapphire costumes are kind of skimpy, but this a bit extreme.
Final Page:
Careful Power Girl!  She fights using the power of love!
What We Should Take from This Comic:
If the recent alien attack wasn’t enough, the Colors Corps’ power rings are starting to get into the hands of a few choice people.  Some good and some rather bad.
What We Do Take From This Comic:
Man, love and power rings can screw a woman up badly.
Yay or Nay?

Friday, May 3, 2013

The Movement #1 (2013)

What are you all looking at?
In Coral City, trouble is going down with a serial killer on the loose, corrupt cops, and the appearance of a possessed kid.  When the police get involved, a mysterious group called The Movement steps in.
Our Heroes:
Who are you people?
Our Villain:
I’ll assume it’s the corrupt cops because things are not very clear.
Our Side Characters:
Poor captain, just trying to do your job when life keeps kicking you.
Purple domino masked girl sure can throw a punch and bend her spine.
Yes, listen to the girl who does not like you.  Give her your gun.
How can you see out of those masks?!
Most Memorable Moment:
Oh hey, it’s an Earthbender.
Final Page:
So where were those guys keeping those masks anyway?
What We Should Take from This Comic:
When there is trouble afoot in the right part of town, this young group of “heroes” will step in and protect everyone, unlike the cops.
What We Do Take From This Comic:
Outside of these two corrupt cops, I do not see why you guys are needed.
Yay or Nay?
Check out the full review here: Is It Good? The Movement #1

Miss Fury #2 (2013)

Only one of a number of silly cover poses.
Miss Fury has been teleported to the future where there is a Nazi invasion… or maybe to where she is captured by the U.S. government and drafted into becoming a Basterd, I think.  Clarity is for wimps.
Our Hero:
She’s something.  That much is for sure.
Our Villain:
Oh those wacky Nazis and their robots.
Our Side Characters:
This guy’s logic on appointing her to Nazi hunting seems suspect.
I would take this action more seriously if you would close your mouth more.
Trust nobody.
You people are scaring me with your smiles.
Most Memorable Moment:
So wait… nobody is noticing her getting dressed up in her Miss Fury costume in the middle of a crowd?!
Final Page:
Oh hey, robots from nowhere.
What We Should Take from This Comic:
Miss Fury is in over her head when her Nazi hunting takes a strange and robotic turn.  Plus, can she really even trust the guy who put her on this mission to begin with?
What We Do Take From This Comic:
Sex?  Nudity? Swearing? Blood and Gore?  A-okay!  Dropping in an f-bomb?  Hell no!  Censor it!
Yay or Nay?
Check for the Full Review HereIs It Good? Miss Fury #2

Friday, April 26, 2013

Comic Book Weekly Reflection: 4/26/13

Sorry about no weekly reflection or any reaction last week, my laptop has been acting up (for example, with actual smoke coming off of it).  As such, I lost my ability to type anything up.  The problem extends into this week as well, but I managed to work around the problem slightly.  However, I only had two reactions for comics this week.  So not much this time around, but let’s try to enjoy what was available regardless.
Be warned, there will be spoilers below!
FF #6: In this issue, Darla Deering gets into trouble with the Yancy Street Gang.  The gang really looks up to Thing (or just likes to screw with him) and takes real offense to Darla taking on his role while he’s gone, so they resolve to make her life completely suck.  However, with Scott Lang, the two of them turn the tables on the gang and properly deal with them.  Meanwhile, Medusa and Bentley are missing in action for some reason.
I had a lot of fun with this comic as always, with its fun characters and enjoyable dialogue.  What really stood out to me the most though was the art.  For a good chunk of the comic, I did not even notice there was an artist change and honestly, I like that sort of thing.  It helps give the comic a consistent feel throughout it, especially when you read it all at once.
My only problem with this comic is that it is taking its time getting anywhere.  I’m not sure when this kill Doctor Doom storyline is going to kick in or if we are going to deal with Medusa issue soon.  It’s kind of annoying in that regard.  Despite all of that, it is still a really enjoyable comic and worth checking out.
Justice League Dark #19: This issue was reviewed over on Adventures in Poor Taste, so you can head over there and check it out:
Talon #7: Continuing from last issue, Casey discovers that Sebastian Clark was the former Grandmaster of the Court of Owls and who had originally picked Calvin for becoming Talon.  She’s nearly caught by the old man, but she and her daughter manage to escape.  With Calvin, he manages to destroy all of the data the court has in their main computer system and escape the current Grandmaster.  However, when he reaches Clark, he is attacked and has his neck snapped by Bane, who is working with Clark for some reason.
This was a very good ending to the first arc of the comic and what amazes me the most about it is how the writing evolved over time.  While it could have been described as Scott Snyder lite during the first two issues (not including #0), it has become its own thing, placing more emphasis on the characters and less dialogue in some scenes.
I really have no complaints about this comic in particular.  I had a great time and I’m thoroughly excited to see where this goes, especially with the writer flying solo without Snyder and with an artist change too.  This is my pick of the week and I’m hoping you guys check it out as well.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Green Arrow #19 (2013)

Stabby stabby.
Green Arrow has a confrontation with Komodo and gets some more new information about what happened in the past.
Our Hero:
With all of those arrows, he is the archer equivalent of a boy scout: always prepared.
Our Villain:
The man sports a badass mask and a badass daughter.
Our Side Characters:
Cool enough, he’s taking all of this really well.
Boom!  Headshot with an arrow!
When you say you killed him, the world went white and red.
Speaking of color schemes, ever notice how the world goes white during some violent moments?
Most Memorable Moment:
And down goes the helicopter.
Final Page:
Thud?  Did he just fall over or did someone hit him?
What We Should Take from This Comic:
Green Arrow needs to find out what all of this means and how exactly Komodo ties into his past soon.
What We Do Take From This Comic:
Man, the little girl moved fast to get from one place to another so quickly.
Yay or Nay?

FF #6 (2013)

Ever get the feeling you are being watched?  Ah, probably nothing.
Medusa and Bentley-23 are missing in action, but meanwhile Darla Deering is having some trouble of her own.  The Yancy Street Gang is starting to harass her for taking Thing’s spot and is determined to make her life hell.
Our Heroes:
Darla is so good at the guitar, you can litterlly see the notes coming off of it.
Our Villains:
The truest of evil villains: Overweight, hooded computer hacker dorks!
Our Side Characters:
… What’s going on with the Moloids?
Okay, where is security?
So the Inhumans communicate through telepathy and head-butting each other?
*Half way through the comic * Hey wait a minute!  This isn’t Mike Allerd’s work!
Most Memorable Moment:
Justice served.  Ant-Man Style.
Final Page:
They’ve been teleported into a pink dimension?
What We Should Take from This Comic:
While Darla’s problem has been resolved for now, Medusa and Bentley are still missing.  Where did they go and what is Medusa’s deal?
What We Do Take From This Comic:
So there is no such thing as security for concerts in the Marvel Universe?
Yay or Nay?

Talon #7 (2013)

So did he break him?
Casey discovers that Sebastian Clark was the original Grandmaster of the Court of Owls before being discovered by him.  Meanwhile, Calvin Rose is held captive by the current Grandmaster and even if he manages to escape, Batman is still out there.
Our Hero:
Good thing Calvin’s arms didn’t get yank out of their sockets when he hooked that flying rocket.
Our Villain:
Well who didn’t see the obviously evil looking man being evil.
Our Side Characters:
Batman didn’t expect this, did he?
Yes, punch that old guy out!
Well it’s not like Gotham really has an fresh air anywhere you go.
Eww, their inners are made of black goo.
Most Memorable Moment:
Heh, he just punked Batman.
Final Page:
Yep, he broke him alright.
What We Should Take from This Comic:
Casey and her daughter managed to get away, but Calvin wasn’t so lucky himself.  After that brutal beat down by Bane, what now?
What We Do Take From This Comic:
Bane needs a new mask; it’s not nearly as threatening as he thinks it is.
Yay or Nay?